Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz, Jeff Warren

So excited for this new project. Would love to hear a conversation with ZDogg, MD aka Zubin Damania.

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

This was quite wonderful. I love your humor and enjoying the cosmic chuckle.

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Jan 29Liked by Lilli Weisz

That was fun! Thank you from a foggy morning in West Sussex, UK 😁 ❤️

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I agree - very fun!

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz, Jeff Warren

Grateful Jeff, excellent meditation. I will be sure to check out the mind bod pod soon :)

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

Thank you Jeff. I really needed this today! Always wonderful hearing your voice! So easy to follow your lead!

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz, Jeff Warren

Thank you Jeff, this has come into my life at just the right time ❤️

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

Looking forward to the new mind bod adventure pod podcast. It sounds great! And since you mentioned it, I like to recommend Bruce Brackett on (IG as @ bwb.positivity) as a guest for an upcoming episode. I did one of his live meditations and it was incredibly healing. I was really impressed. I think you’ll like him too. 😊

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Thanks Renee, I will check this Bruce fellow out!

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

Looking forward to the new mind bod adventure pod podcast. It sounds great! And since you mentioned it, I like to recommend Bruce Brackett on (IG as @ bwb.positivity) as a guest for an upcoming episode. I did one of his live meditations and it was incredibly healing. I was really impressed. I think you’ll like him too. 😊

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

Oh Jeff. You’re just the best. Excited for more Jeff and Tasha too.

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Thanks Trisha!

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Jan 28Liked by Lilli Weisz

Lovely, different, fun. Thank you.

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Jan 28Liked by Jeff Warren

It is a good timing to find one's alter igloo in Montréal.


Any chance of establishing a Consciousness group here?

As a many decades old Montréal settler, I am aware about the lack manifest conscientiousness here for that sort of self care. When poutine is copiously available around Quartier Latin.

We are conscious about best bagels, croissants, fromages and other gourmandises based, coping skills.

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Igloofest looks right up my alley! Would love to visit sometime - maybe next year. We try to get to Montreal on the regular, have a community of dancing ne'er-do-wells there.

There have been a few attempts to start local CEC inspired groups in Montreal over the years. If you email my assistant Mylene (use my main website contact form) she may be able to connect you to those folks. Of course you also have True North Insight there .. and my pal Dawn Mauricio, who is awesome: https://dawnmauricio.com/

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Je vais, certainement, demander à Mylène la "liste" de la subculture locale des explorateurs timides de la libre conscience. On sait jamais, je pourrais être récupérable. Au moins, compostable.

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Ha, so Dawn Mauricio is your pal... you definitely qualify as a Paladin (check urban dictionary for Paladins in gaming lore)

I took the Imperfect Meditation Challenge in 10 % ( thank Mylène for the Team Jeff xtension secret runes) and Dawn was the one that "ringed the bell" in a very relatable way for my own reality ! Omnmmm G!

I should have figured she's a Montreal based by the local dwellings landlords ban on nailing your favourite deity on the wall. Or your crossed or not idolatrous favourite signage (attention with the transcultural Buddhism, Jainism one for divinity and spirituality in Outremont and along Saint Laurent street- can , and definitely will be misconstrued).

I will definitely use the the virtual pal ( I am pal-less, so I will use this transferance delusion), to introduce myself directly. Scary proposition . Totally tempting.

Note ( apectral ( ...umm ?) rambling..

I was aware about True North as an entity while I was flailing at Allan Institute (on the local royal urban hill of the Mont Regis ( Montérégie) , but it didn't click. The prominent religious lingo and the pecuniary gateway kept me on the outskirts.

But Dawn, that's something I related from the 10%.

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Jan 30Liked by Lilli Weisz, Jeff Warren

Gosh that's the best I've meditated thus far I know you say there is no bad meditation or practice but I sometimes wonder if I'm meditating well, glad to be here. Lea

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Jan 29Liked by Lilli Weisz

This meditation was wonderful, thank you so much! Looking forward to more and excited for the podcast, too!

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This space is so valuable ☝🏻✍️

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Jan 28Liked by Jeff Warren

Maybe, just maybe, it will help my spastic striated and prostatic sphincter diagnosis. And nocturnal "Waking Up"! . To stay in the anterior segments.

I will procumbently prostrating ( in a contorted stretched out pose) with face down, ( but poised, as instructed) in adoration for the meditative nurturing and irresistible irreverence in your (soon to be Canada Health approved ? ) teachings and centrifugal splattering of life navigational practices.

Working on priming my skin to get adherent to stick to them.

Tricky for a fat oily epidermis. But, I am putting skin into it.

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More skin! Happy to be part of the centrifugal splattering of your life’s navigational practices! I heardoby empower you to begin a cult.

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Thanks again Jeff, I am amazed that you can come up with so many different meditations that are all helpful.

This was a lovely meditation, listening around the body.

I wanted to let you know that your feedback worked for me - thank you so much 🙏🏻

Last week I wrote in the comments that focusing on a home base was causing stress, and you suggested that I try a wandering meditation, like your ADHD meditations on Calm.

I did this and have found that it has really changed my practice.

It seems to set up a positive feedback loop - listen to sounds, relax, notice relaxing, listen to sounds, relax, see something beautiful….

Rather than sitting in the stress.

So stress can be there but is not the whole picture, which is fine.

So now I have a wandering home base, and I have sat with your meditation today on mind and bod. I really enjoyed the meditation and how I felt afterwards, which is so different for me.

I felt open and expanded, rather than worn out from trying to stay present.

I am so grateful for your help, thank you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Wow that's so great Helen, glad that helped!

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