"I'm just here to listen."

Use this one a lot when meditating and my mind is bouncing all over the place. Learned it originally from the wonderful teacher Yong Oh.

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"Don't know" (a favorite of Jeff's - and mine)

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I also love that, "Don't know," and the second part, "Don't need to know!"

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That one is key for me too. I literally say that to myself all day long; for me it leads to a kind of pleasurable untethering, like I'm a tennis ball floating at the very top of an upward throw, right before I come down. I have found I can stay there, and it feels like a LOT of freedom :)

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untethering is a great word

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"Welcome to the party," "It's ok buddy" (while patting my heart) and "Don't know, don't need to know" are all so helpful to me but maybe the most important one on repeat 24/7 in my brain and spirit is "keep going." That one is something Jeff often says during a meditation primarily just as an instruction to keep meditating. But for me, it's a necessary re-centering mantra when I feel I'm losing my way at any time during the day or on a bigger scale in life. It's become an all-encompassing phrase - when I want to stop, keep going. When I don't know what's next and feel anxious or worried about that, keep going. And even when I don't really know where to keep going... keep going.

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my friend

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Wow Joe - this is so spot on. Jeff needs to write a Keep Going meditation!

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"Find a pocket of silence amidst the sound" (a favorite of Jeff's)

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What’s the story I’m telling myself? Is it true? Is it useful?

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I love this.

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I'd add another of Jeff's. "This is the curriculum."

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Needs to be on a t-shirt!

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This one's a life-changer!! Love it!

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I'm going through a medical issue journey, and the mantra that's been helping me is:

"The way out is through"

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Holding you in the healing light Nan ❤️🌈❤️

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Nan, sending you love and support ❤️

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I wish you well. ♥️

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me too Nan - wishing you well, as you move through

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Yes! I find this one so helpful in tough times.

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I freaking love this and it made me laugh. I use "I don't know but YES," as an invitation to the unknown, to the possibilities, to a world yet to come - lining up with what feels yes-ish. It is also a welcome for whatever is happening in my experience to take up space and belong.

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Whoa Cody ... this is everything

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hell yes dude this is IT, exactly so, the humility AND the open-ended optimism or "into-it-ness"

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Ok friend this is BRILLIANT! 💝 Thank you!!! I am gratefuly stealing this one and adding my own little awkward itty-bitty fist pump and bright-eyed toothy smile when I say the "YES!" part!! (even in, nay especially in public)❤️😁❤️

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I like ‘be here now’—so simple and profound.

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I have "Remember" on a banner in my living room, an old school Ram Dass graphic from his original Be Here Now - remember this moment, remember who you are, remember to come back to awareness ... it's all the same mystery you are remembering / coming back to

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Can't beat the classics!

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I discovered Jeff when I was at the lowest point in my life. He was truly a lifeline when I needed it most. My go-to phrase is “keep going”. It reminds me to keep breathing and welcome what ever comes next.

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beautiful my friend - keep going!

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I like the mantra mentioned by Fr Greg Boyle, a variation on a more conventional one:

“Now. Here. This.”

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“I don’t need anything to be different”

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I was literally just listening to the opening of one of Jeff's daily trip meditations on repeat "I am allowed to be exactly the way I am right now." Perfection for any situation and any feeling. The first time I heard it I was surprised how profound it was for me. I suddenly felt this huge weight float away just from that simple statement.

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I am writing a future post on exactly that experience of a great weigh coming off

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My go-to equanimity mantra is “and this is OK”

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Yes! So similar to Jessica's - simple and easy to remember

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nice Jude - good to see you here :)

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"welcome to the party" is such a brilliant one of jeff's. i also love the yale university emergency room one: "slow is smooth and smooth is fast". and finally, writer anne lamott's "bird by bird".

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Never heard that ER one! Wow. That's truly what it feels like when you are in an equanimous headspace.

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LOVE slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Super deep!

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Right now, it's like this.

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This is a good one.

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I'm living with chronic pain and developed this from a brain retraining program I completed several years ago and still use during flares.

I am safe.

This is only temporary

I'm going to be okay.

Not a Jeff-ism yet useful.

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Sending compassion for your pain. May you have many moments of ease and beauty today

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I love all of these!

From Finding Nemo: “just keep swimming”

From my Mom: “This too shall pass”

From my son’s high school football teammate Gabe at multiple points during a season that ended in a state championship: “it don’t matter, we headed” (to state). I find this coming back to me all these years later and it helps me to keep my eyes on the big picture and ultimate goals. And not to get caught up in minutiae.

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"just keep swimming". love that one, too.

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"Is this the path of love."

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and good to be on it with you

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George Carlin: “Not my monkey, not my circus”

We are all in this together.

Keep a goin’

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I definitely use "Not my monkey, not my circus" all the time, especially when riding public transit, sitting in meetings at work, and, well, life in general.

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Oh that is gooooood

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I loved Casper ter Kuile’s from a recent episode of Jeff and Tasha’s Mind Bod Adventure Pod “Life is full of joy and suffering and today will be no different”. ❤️

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When I sit to meditate, I use “let’s quiet this mind and open this heart so we can see what’s really going on here”.

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“This too is welcome” - shared with me by one of my yoga teachers, Sarana Miller.

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So simple, so good

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i just heard another one. the oldest living japanese american, 110 years old, says "don't dwell".

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Joseph Goldstein: Be simple and easy

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It's OK to not be OK

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"How is this serving me?"


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"Don't know, don't need to know. " Too often I fall into the trap of being overly concerned (controlling) and have to remind myself that I don't need to know absolutely everything that is going on in my corner of the world, or my family, or _______ fill in the blank.

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"Whatever is here, let it be here." Also - "No mud, no lotus." Both of these simply allow - and recognize that there are 10,000 joys and 10,000 sufferings.

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no mud, no lotus. yes.

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from the original 10% happier course: be an open container.

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like an eddie in a stream ...

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My favorite two are both Buffett inspired:

“Breathe In, Breathe Out Move On”

“Bubbles Up”

Both reference breathing and the second one helps guide me.

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Bubbles up! So good

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I love bubbles up!

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Less me

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Love it - very direct.

I also like:

"Fewer thoughts, fewer problems"

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Love that. Need to remember it.

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Love that.

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My mind tends to get a little ADHD at times, so when things are particularly challenging I almost frantically try to remember all of Jeff’s good things he said. I’ll try one out, and if that doesn’t work go for another one. It’s difficult to explain. It’s not as spastic as it sounds. There does appear to be a kind of order to it. But one mantra which I always come back to ( albeit more when my mind is calm) is from Bob Marley “ My home is in my head” . Jeff introduced this I believe in a Daily trip meditation about a home base. This meditation he did was a revelation for me. I envision my overactive brain, all those thoughts, my very being as somewhat alone in a large place , but it’s not scary because I’m at home and at peace there. A home is accepting, loving and kind and it’s always with me. It doesn’t matter that everything is scattered around and messy in there. It’s home and truly the only home which will always be here for me. So I treat it with kindness, acceptance as it does me. The world is moving around, throwing hardships, pain and suffering trying to derail me, but in my mind I can find home, quiet. So I focus on that. I go to that quiet place with a focus on equanimity. I can’t change what is happening around me, but I can go home and focus on breathing for example to create some calmness.

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I don’t think I explained that very well. It’s difficult to explain the process and thought process.

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I know EXACTLY what you mean Simone, that's exactly why the quote struck me too. Practice is a movement towards understanding exactly that centering - thank you for your report!

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I think you explained that really well. Thank you.

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"Starting here, Starting now"

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1. One of Jeff's: "What is it?" - open ended, led to a personal spiritual breakthrough.

2. Another of Jeff's: "What's here?" - grounding, good for mornings.

3. From my therapist: "Gentle, Slow, Gentle, Slow" - good for me, I tend to go fast

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beautiful -

What ISSSS this? with deliberate sense of existential wonderment :)

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I will describe what happened ~

This was a few years ago, when I had a really nice aquarium.

I was saying "What is it" over and over again. As led by Jeff. And my eyes were half open, looking at the fish.

And it was like falling onto concrete - I suddenly knew - I just KNEW - that there was more to the fish than neurons and electrons.

What is it? I cannot know, I will never know, but it is more than we can perceive.

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As I get older and find my body and mind slowing, and as I deal with long COVID, my mantra is this verse from a Leonard Cohen song:

Ring the Bells that Still Can Ring

Forget your Perfect Offering

There’s a Crack, a Crack in Everything

That’s how the Light gets in.

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"Replace fear with curiosity and see what happens" (mine)

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My go to mantra is " I am enough"

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It’s just a thought. No power given to it. Let it go

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"this moment is like this". which I got from Leslie Booker.

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One word, my favorite word -- "this". Would like to have it tatooed on my wrist😊

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Doesn't get more simple than that! Absolutely love it.

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Love THIS!

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When alone, I’ll say the colors and shapes I see, to re-ground myself

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Joseph Goldstein , “There is a body. There is a body breathing. “

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